
The Texas Music Chart is owned solely by Shane Media. 

It is not affiliated with any other company or chart.




It’s been ten years since Ed Shane died on March 21, 2015. We miss him every day. Here’s a brief look at his life with a few pictures:


Ed Shane founded Houston-based media consulting firm Shane Media Services and was Publisher of Best In Texas Music Magazine and the Texas Music Chart. 


Ed began his radio career in Atlanta as a disc jockey and later a news anchor. In 1968, he was named Program Director (PD) at WPLO-FM in Atlanta, one of the nation’s first rock FM stations.




He moved to Los Angeles as PD of KKDJ and then to Chicago for the same position at WGLD-FM. He moved to Houston in 1973 to accept the position of Station Manager at KRBE, one of the nation’s first FM Top 40 stations. Later he joined the management team at News-Talk KTRH. 


His multi-format experience and interest in the product side of radio led to his founding Shane Media in 1977.  The company provided programming direction and custom research to radio stations and media outlets across the USA and worked in virtually all formats.  Its high profile in the Country format results in part from Ed’s long-time partner Pam Shane and her music analysis at Country stations in all market sizes.



Shane Media’s client list has included the largest radio companies – Clear
Channel Communications, NBC Radio, ABC Radio Networks, Sinclair Radio –
and smaller companies like Forever Broadcasting of Pennsylvania, Forever
Communications of Kentucky, Keymarket Licenses, and individually-owned
stations in a variety of markets.

Ed set the editorial policies for Best In Texas projects and contributed a monthly “Publisher’s Letter,” outlining his perspective on the music industry. 

He wrote several books: the undergraduate college textbook, Selling Electronic Media, adopted by more than 55 colleges and universities; the radio industry best-sellers, Cutting Through and Programming Dynamics; and Disconnected America, a social commentary about the consequences of mass media. He was also the author of essays in The Encyclopedia of Radio and The Guide to U.S. Popular Culture and of numerous articles for trade and academic journals. He was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Radio and Audio Media










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